Saturday, July 24, 2010

Anonymous asked: "That sentence is about the CHILD"
Actually no it isn't, it puts complete and full faith in the mother and the life she was given by her mother. Oh and the child is half of her so caring about the child is caring about her.
"what about those who don’t and know they won’t?"
Still not a reason to choose abortion. There are countless resources out there
"What if a woman doesn’t want to be a mother? What if a woman is incapable of being a mother due to a psychological disorder like severe depression or severe PTSD?"
Still not a reason to take away an entire future. Adoption is also always an option. As for not wanting to be a mother, I hope they took the necessary measures when having sex and thought about the consequences. And not wanting to be a mother is saying that the unborn is not wanted.

No, your quote was:

”[…] see her as strong enough to handle a pregnancy and be a nurturing mother who can raise a child to lead a successful life”

It’s about the child leading a successful life, not the woman leading a successful life. If you actually cared about the mother you would believe her to be strong enough to make a decision about her own body.

And no. Caring about a child is not the same as caring about the mother. The child is its own person, even if half of its genes were donated by the mother, it’s not the same as caring about the autonomous woman who never wanted to have a child she couldn’t afford and therefore can’t provide a “successful” life to.

Well, good thing you’re not getting an abortion, right since that’s not a good enough reason for you. Women have their own reasons to have an abortion and it’s not your place to deem them valid or not since it’s a PERSONAL decision that the woman has a right to make about her own body. There aren’t nearly enough resources out there. If people really wanted to help children, why is the foster care system so over-burdened?

POTENTIAL future, just because a woman is pregnant doesn’t mean that fetus is going to live even if abortion was off the table. Adoption is an option to parenting, abortion is an alternative to being pregnant. Some women can’t carry a baby to term because of health risks, they should have the option of abortion (every woman should regardless of circumstance).

More than 50% of women were using a form of contraception when they conceived, is that what you mean by “necessary measures”? Nice slut-shaming though.

Okay? If a woman doesn’t want to be a mother she has two options available to her and has the right to choose the one that better suits her lifestyle.



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