Saturday, July 24, 2010

Anonymous asked: Well even thought the procedure of partial birth abortion is now only recently illegal, other methods of late term abortions are still legal in the United States. The method used is either pill enduced or D & C seen here,
Most abortion clinics offer abortion services up to the 24-26 week mark which is late late in the 2nd trimester and reaching into the early 3rd. And by then the unborn has reached some incredible milestones while the heart has been beating since late in the very 1st month. A baby survived premature at 21 weeks! And MANY can survive outside the womb at 23 weeks. Some other clinics allow abortions up to 36 weeks but have exceptions which I sure hope they adhere to (still to me doesn't make it right)
But overall this is how I feel, I'll quote an early feminist Mattie Brinkerhoff
"When a man steals to satisfy hunger, we may safely conclude that there is something wrong in society - so when a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is an evidence that either by education or circumstances she has been greatly wronged."
But just some more food for thought, it's always good to know both sides for any argument :)

Yes, late-term abortions are NEEDED, outlawing partial-birth abortion did not outlaw the practice of late-term abortions, it simply outlawed a specific method of abortion (there is, obviously, more than one way to perform an abortion). Virtually ALL abortions done after 21 weeks (which only makes up 1.5% of abortions) are done for pregnant women who WANTED their baby. The reasons these are performed are because of severe birth defects or exponential risk to the mother’s life. Partial-birth abortion was a way for abortion providers to give the parents a baby to hold and bury. Women who get late-term abortions haven’t just decided to get an abortion, they are in that position due to an extremely unfortunate set of circumstances.

Most abortion clinics offer abortion services up to the 24-26 week mark which is late late in the 2nd trimester and reaching into the early 3rd.

Actually, no. Abortions are not done later than 24 weeks in the US and they most certainly aren’t performed at 36 weeks. For more information on this, please click here. In addition to that, fetuses are incapable of feeling pain until after 24 weeks as well. Fetus survival rates before 24 weeks are exceptionally low.

A beating heart does not grant a fetus personhood. A fetus is not as valuable as a living, breathing, autonomous woman and her rights. You would do better to fight for comprehensive sex education in high schools and community centers, more widely available and cheaper contraception, and voting for legislation that will provide more support for women who do choose to keep their children. Fighting to restrict a woman’s right to her own body will not lower abortion rates, it will only increase the number of women who die from illegal abortions along with their fetuses.



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