Friday, July 23, 2010

Why do you believe in the bible?

Guest Blog by Kenny Wyland

I used to believe in the Bible. When I went to college, started learning about the world, and began to really think critically about my beliefs I started questioning the Bible. I eventually came to the question: Why do I believe in the Bible? After much thought, I realized it was because my parents told me it was true. So, I removed their influence from my equation and thought about it again… and wasn’t really left with anything. Sure, real events and real places are referenced in the Bible but that is obviously isn’t proof of anything. Plenty of fiction is grounded in real places or real events.

The Odyssey and the Iliad were written long before the New Testament, hundreds of years before Jesus was supposedly born. That mentions Greek Gods as well as real places, but no one today considers it to be real. It’s considered myth. So, why does the Bible get a different treatment? Either you were introduced to the Bible as a child or you came to it later in life. As a child you probably just believed your parents when they told you it was true, just like you believed that Santa was real. Eventually though you stopped beliving in Santa, but didn’t stop believing in Jesus. Why is that? Because other adults don’t believe in Santa, but other adults still DO believe in Jesus. It’s a type of group-think in which people feel comfortable holding irrational beliefs as long as other people around them also believe it.

What caused you to believe in the Bible? Why do you believe fantastical stories in the Bible are real events, but you don’t believe the fantastical stories in the Iliad are real events?

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